Westpac Foundation
Helping create 10,000 job opportunities
We’re investing in job creation by providing funding and programs to help secure jobs and opportunities for those facing barriers to work. Meaningful employment is a powerful pathway out of disadvantage, and that’s why we set ourselves the bold ambition to help create 10,000 jobs by 2030.
This year, we surpassed that goal, five years ahead of target. Today, Westpac Foundation has helped create 10,141 jobs by partnering with social enterprises and community organisations across Australia through our grant programs.
Our Impact


awarded to 45 Social Enterprise Grant partners in 2024.
Helping for 145 years
Westpac Foundation is a charitable organisation that has been helping people for the past 145 years. Today, we provide funding and programs to help jobs-focused social enterprises and community organisations strengthen and scale their businesses to create more jobs and training opportunities for people overcoming barriers to employment.
2024 Foundations Impact report
In 2024, the five foundations established by Westpac Group invested $10.7 million toward job creation, next generation leaders and helping young people thrive. Together, they are building a stronger, more inclusive future for all Australians. Learn more about the collective achievements of the Westpac, St.George, BankSA and Bank of Melbourne Foundations along with Westpac Scholars Trust in their 2024 Impact Report.
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Public donations to Westpac Foundation are administered by Westpac Community Limited as trustee for Westpac Community Trust (ABN 53 265 036 982). Westpac Community Trust is a Public Ancillary Fund, endorsed by the ATO as a Deductible Gift Recipient.
The Westpac Foundation adopts the Westpac Group Speaking Up Policy in dealing with whistleblowing disclosures. A copy of that policy can be viewed here. Some aspects of that policy may not be applicable in the operational environment of the Westpac Foundation. As such, the Westpac Foundation adopts the Westpac Group Speaking Up Policy to the extent reasonably possible.
For our Privacy Policy, you can view it here Westpac Foundation Privacy Statement (PDF 241KB)